When a product is Cradle to Cradle Certified® it is internationally recognised as a safer, more sustainable product that supports the circular economy.

What is Cradle to Cradle Certified?

Cradle to Cradle Certified® is the world’s most advanced, science-based standard for designing and making products today that enable a healthy, equitable, and sustainable tomorrow. 

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Material Health

More than 95% of each certified product has been assessed and does not contain any substances of special concern above relevant thresholds, according to version 4.0 of the Cradle to Cradle standard. Rockpanel have also developed a strategy to even further improve the materials we are using.

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Clean Air and Climate Protection

Rockpanel uses 100% renewable energy at its production facility. We've established a long term strategy in our manufacturing and we work towards actively reducing greenhouse gas emissions created during the production of our products.

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Product Circularity

Our products are compatible with high-value cycling. Our products are actively recycled through the various recycling programs we offer across Europe. More than 70% of our market is covered with our recycling programme Rockcycle, through which we can take our products back. Our products are designed for easy disassembly that allows for easy recycling or reuse at the end of life. We are actively participating in continuous circularity education.

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Social Fairness

We have a responsible sourcing program and a Code of Conduct for all the suppliers we work with. We have also established social projects with a positive impact in the markets where we operate.

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Water and Soil Stewardship

Rockpanel production uses a small amount of water which is completely recycled.